I remember this conversation between me and a friend of mine when we were in Germany, the next day after he saw my video where I sang birthday song for my friend which is also my German parent.
He : "What you study at university?
Me : "International Relations"
He : "What is it about?"
Me : "Politics"
He : "Why? You should study at art university, you know how to sing"
Me : "...."
Selasa, 29 Desember 2009
Jumat, 25 Desember 2009
0 : 09 am
Sempak, gue begadang terus!
1. Gue mau ke Karimun Jawa
2. Gue mau ke Paris
3. Gue mau semua terkabul, amin!
1. Gue mau ke Karimun Jawa
2. Gue mau ke Paris
3. Gue mau semua terkabul, amin!
Senin, 07 Desember 2009
Short Feeling Service.
I feel like someone from Mars, seems so close but far away from Earth where humans live.
Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009
Hi people!
H-1 and finally got my furlough letter, HUGE THANKS TO SABENI FAMILY (name for my university besties -- we perceive as a family)! They helped me much to get that-fuck*n-furlough. I got nothing to say besides I LOVE YOU GUYS. I'm gonna miss y'all. I envy you guys, really envy that you can study in some classes together.
Well, i'm going to have fun for 3 months anyway, yeah i'm ready to rock Germany!
See ya :)
H-1 and finally got my furlough letter, HUGE THANKS TO SABENI FAMILY (name for my university besties -- we perceive as a family)! They helped me much to get that-fuck*n-furlough. I got nothing to say besides I LOVE YOU GUYS. I'm gonna miss y'all. I envy you guys, really envy that you can study in some classes together.
Well, i'm going to have fun for 3 months anyway, yeah i'm ready to rock Germany!
See ya :)
Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009
Gosh! H-7 sebelum keberangkatan dan hingga detik ini surat cuti gue belum turun juga. Gue belom nyiapin apa-apa! Firasat gue, surat sakti itu bakal keluar setelah gue berangkat. Tapi, diterima apa ditolak?
I hate bureaucracy!
I hate bureaucracy!
Rabu, 22 Juli 2009
Back to Jogja and Got First Lesson!
Hello, gue udah di Jogja lagi -_______- bete! Entah mengapa gue merasa gugup dan agak takut ke Jogja hahaha aneh ya padahal kemaren 4 bulan nggak pulang, betah aja.
Okay, kabar terbaru adalah... I SAID YES FOR THE FELLOWSHIP! Semua orang yang gue ceritain ngedukung, so i have no reasons to reject it. Dan sekarang gue di Jogja lagi mau ngurus cuti kuliah, ribeeeettt, huhu.
Jadi, beberapa hari yang lalu gue nelfon dosen PA gue, si Bapak ****, buat nanya-nanya atau obrolin tentang cuti ini. Nah tadi pagi gue ke kampus jam setengah 9, eh si Bapak udah masuk ruang rapat, akhirnya gue nunggu aja sebentar terus ketemu Mas Eddy, seksi sibuk jurusan. Gue minta Mas Eddy ajarin bikin surat cuti (baik banget si Mas Eddy). Mas Eddy bilang nanti sore dateng lagi aja bawa suratnya siap ditandatanganin, dan akhirnya gue balik ke kosan buat ngetik itu surat cuti.
Selesai jam 12, karna disuruh dateng sore yaudah gue sempet tidur siang! Bingung abisnya mau ngapain, sepi banget kosan.
Jam setengah 3an gue ke kampus lagi tuh nunggu si Bapak rapat, tapi belom keluar juga padahal dosen lain udah bolak-balik keluar-masuk. Nah, ketemu Mas Eddy, dan dia bilang "Pak **** udah pulang". Weeewww, agak capek ya gue nunggu 1 setengah jam! Sama Mas Eddy, surat gue diambil, mau ditaro di mejanya si Bapak.
Mas Eddy : "Suratnya saya taro di mejanya, tapi besok kamu kesini lagi minta langsung"
Gue : "Iya mas, besok kira-kira saya telfon aja ya mas, Pak ****"
Mas Eddy : "Oh jangan, jangan, Pak **** jangan ditelfon. Kamu telfon saya aja besok"
Anjrit, padahal gue sempet nelfon si Bapak itu tadi pagi!! Dan sepertinya dia tipe dosen yang nggak gitu suka mahasiswa nelfon! Pantes aja pas ngomong judes gitu! Nyetttttt bodoh abis gue.
Bismillah mudah-mudahan besok ketemu dia, minta tanda tangan, beres urusan, balik ke Jakarta urus visa! Ahhhh, masih banyak yang belom diurus. Ya Allah semoga semuanya lancar!
Okay, kabar terbaru adalah... I SAID YES FOR THE FELLOWSHIP! Semua orang yang gue ceritain ngedukung, so i have no reasons to reject it. Dan sekarang gue di Jogja lagi mau ngurus cuti kuliah, ribeeeettt, huhu.
Jadi, beberapa hari yang lalu gue nelfon dosen PA gue, si Bapak ****, buat nanya-nanya atau obrolin tentang cuti ini. Nah tadi pagi gue ke kampus jam setengah 9, eh si Bapak udah masuk ruang rapat, akhirnya gue nunggu aja sebentar terus ketemu Mas Eddy, seksi sibuk jurusan. Gue minta Mas Eddy ajarin bikin surat cuti (baik banget si Mas Eddy). Mas Eddy bilang nanti sore dateng lagi aja bawa suratnya siap ditandatanganin, dan akhirnya gue balik ke kosan buat ngetik itu surat cuti.
Selesai jam 12, karna disuruh dateng sore yaudah gue sempet tidur siang! Bingung abisnya mau ngapain, sepi banget kosan.
Jam setengah 3an gue ke kampus lagi tuh nunggu si Bapak rapat, tapi belom keluar juga padahal dosen lain udah bolak-balik keluar-masuk. Nah, ketemu Mas Eddy, dan dia bilang "Pak **** udah pulang". Weeewww, agak capek ya gue nunggu 1 setengah jam! Sama Mas Eddy, surat gue diambil, mau ditaro di mejanya si Bapak.
Mas Eddy : "Suratnya saya taro di mejanya, tapi besok kamu kesini lagi minta langsung"
Gue : "Iya mas, besok kira-kira saya telfon aja ya mas, Pak ****"
Mas Eddy : "Oh jangan, jangan, Pak **** jangan ditelfon. Kamu telfon saya aja besok"
Anjrit, padahal gue sempet nelfon si Bapak itu tadi pagi!! Dan sepertinya dia tipe dosen yang nggak gitu suka mahasiswa nelfon! Pantes aja pas ngomong judes gitu! Nyetttttt bodoh abis gue.
Bismillah mudah-mudahan besok ketemu dia, minta tanda tangan, beres urusan, balik ke Jakarta urus visa! Ahhhh, masih banyak yang belom diurus. Ya Allah semoga semuanya lancar!
Rabu, 15 Juli 2009
Liburan dan Bingung.
Untuk postingan ini gue pake Bahasa Indonesia deh hahaha capeknya dobel kalo nulis dalam Bahasa Inggris and my english is poor!
Jadi, sekarang gue sedang liburan tapi masih cemas juga sih soalnya nilai akhir belum keluar semua, deg-degan banget nunggunya! Sejauh ini liburan gue cukup menyenangkan, lumayan sering jalan-jalan yang bukan ke mall hahaha karna menurut gue basi banget liburan cuma nge-mall. Dan udah ketemuan sama beberapa temen SMA, awww miss you guys.
And right here, right now, in the middle of my vacation.. gue sedang diuji sama Tuhan sepertinya. Pernahkah lo merasa dihadapkan pada suatu keadaan dimana ada kesempatan yang sangat worth to try yang sangat terbuka untuk lo, tapi dengan resiko pendidikan lo yang sedang bagus-bagusnya harus ditinggalin? Yes, i face it right now and yeah making decision is the hardest thing! I hate it much, but... errghh bingung banget.
Jadi, Tuhan sedang baik-baiknya sama gue. Nilai ujian gue yang udah keluar bagus-bagus dan kemarin gue dapet e-mail yang menyatakan gue diterima sebagai fellow sebuah project di Jerman selama 4 bulan, mulai akhir Agustus tahun ini sampe akhir November. Jadi disana bersama 15 orang fellow dari seluruh dunia, akan mengembalikan sebuah farmhouse yang udah lama terabaikan dan merekonstruksinya kembali. And all for free! yeah free! Sounds interesting, right? Menurut gue banget! 3 bulan di Jerman segrup sama bule terus ngembaliin sebuah farmhouse! Emang terkesan jauh dari tujuan hidup di masa depan, bakal dapet apa sih gue nanti? Tapi gue udah nunggu kepastian ini selama 6 minggu lebih, dan menurut gue ilmu itu nggak cuma didapet dari buku, dosen, perspus, dan segala sesuatu yang bersifat akademik, tapi dari project itu juga dapet ilmu yang nggak kalah penting kok.
Tapi ya gue juga nggak bisa mungkir kalo kuliah lebih penting. Tapi masa sih, hidup mati gue cuma untuk belajar di kampus? Gila gue nggak bisa mikir dengan jernih sekarang, karna minta pendapat orang tua pasti nggak akan setuju (i have tried it to my mom last night, and she didn't agree and asked how about my university?).
Now, i need some advices! God, please show me the way...
Untuk postingan ini gue pake Bahasa Indonesia deh hahaha capeknya dobel kalo nulis dalam Bahasa Inggris and my english is poor!
Jadi, sekarang gue sedang liburan tapi masih cemas juga sih soalnya nilai akhir belum keluar semua, deg-degan banget nunggunya! Sejauh ini liburan gue cukup menyenangkan, lumayan sering jalan-jalan yang bukan ke mall hahaha karna menurut gue basi banget liburan cuma nge-mall. Dan udah ketemuan sama beberapa temen SMA, awww miss you guys.
And right here, right now, in the middle of my vacation.. gue sedang diuji sama Tuhan sepertinya. Pernahkah lo merasa dihadapkan pada suatu keadaan dimana ada kesempatan yang sangat worth to try yang sangat terbuka untuk lo, tapi dengan resiko pendidikan lo yang sedang bagus-bagusnya harus ditinggalin? Yes, i face it right now and yeah making decision is the hardest thing! I hate it much, but... errghh bingung banget.
Jadi, Tuhan sedang baik-baiknya sama gue. Nilai ujian gue yang udah keluar bagus-bagus dan kemarin gue dapet e-mail yang menyatakan gue diterima sebagai fellow sebuah project di Jerman selama 4 bulan, mulai akhir Agustus tahun ini sampe akhir November. Jadi disana bersama 15 orang fellow dari seluruh dunia, akan mengembalikan sebuah farmhouse yang udah lama terabaikan dan merekonstruksinya kembali. And all for free! yeah free! Sounds interesting, right? Menurut gue banget! 3 bulan di Jerman segrup sama bule terus ngembaliin sebuah farmhouse! Emang terkesan jauh dari tujuan hidup di masa depan, bakal dapet apa sih gue nanti? Tapi gue udah nunggu kepastian ini selama 6 minggu lebih, dan menurut gue ilmu itu nggak cuma didapet dari buku, dosen, perspus, dan segala sesuatu yang bersifat akademik, tapi dari project itu juga dapet ilmu yang nggak kalah penting kok.
Tapi ya gue juga nggak bisa mungkir kalo kuliah lebih penting. Tapi masa sih, hidup mati gue cuma untuk belajar di kampus? Gila gue nggak bisa mikir dengan jernih sekarang, karna minta pendapat orang tua pasti nggak akan setuju (i have tried it to my mom last night, and she didn't agree and asked how about my university?).
Now, i need some advices! God, please show me the way...
Minggu, 14 Juni 2009
Praying For Final Exam (Sem.2)
Tomorrow i'll face my final exam for semester 2! So like usual, i'm begging you guys to support and pray for me, may God bless you all guys!
I wish the docents will not give me C, D, or E! Just A and B please :):)
Tomorrow i'll face my final exam for semester 2! So like usual, i'm begging you guys to support and pray for me, may God bless you all guys!
I wish the docents will not give me C, D, or E! Just A and B please :):)
Kamis, 11 Juni 2009
Selasa, 26 Mei 2009
DC & TM.
Woah, i decided to pass MRHI class! This was not my intention to do it, but it's raining outside and i'm not glad at all, cause this class is the hardest in this second semester! I feel so guilty, huhu.
Okay, i want to tell you about the Diplomatic Course yesterday, and...... it was so fun! I delivered my speech quite well i thought but it's just too fast, yeah nervous effect! But it's okay for the first time :)
And there's a guy who made all participants got bored, guess who! And misscommunication happened between committee and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, but it doesn't matter cause over all i enjoyed it.
Then, last night i got a Table Manner lesson also, and actually it's hard to pretend as a real diplomat or as a royal family or at least to be more polite and maintain my attitudes. But yeah it was fun also!
Oyea, don't forget about the photo session. Yeah yeah i know whenever wherever ;p
Okay, i want to tell you about the Diplomatic Course yesterday, and...... it was so fun! I delivered my speech quite well i thought but it's just too fast, yeah nervous effect! But it's okay for the first time :)
And there's a guy who made all participants got bored, guess who! And misscommunication happened between committee and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, but it doesn't matter cause over all i enjoyed it.
Then, last night i got a Table Manner lesson also, and actually it's hard to pretend as a real diplomat or as a royal family or at least to be more polite and maintain my attitudes. But yeah it was fun also!
Oyea, don't forget about the photo session. Yeah yeah i know whenever wherever ;p
Jumat, 22 Mei 2009
Getting nervous.
Oh noooooooo waaaayyyyyy H-3 before Diplomatic Course! It is just too bad for me, i have to speech as the representative from Somalia, in front of many many people and the sucks chairman "letter C". And the problem goes to my english! Wait, i'm not ready yet and start getting nervous.
Jumat, 08 Mei 2009
Just random questions
I have some random questions that always hanging around on my head ;
Have you ever thought that dancing only for girls and doing some sports only for boys?
Have you ever considered of what they have sucha lots of money, the newest gadgets, a very nice car or something like that when you're looking for friends?
Have you ever thought when you're humiliating someone, he or she could be very angry but they couldn't say it straightforward to you just because of he or she didn't want you feel the same?
Did you feel better than him or her when you're humiliating them?
Can you answer it?
Have you ever thought that dancing only for girls and doing some sports only for boys?
Have you ever considered of what they have sucha lots of money, the newest gadgets, a very nice car or something like that when you're looking for friends?
Have you ever thought when you're humiliating someone, he or she could be very angry but they couldn't say it straightforward to you just because of he or she didn't want you feel the same?
Did you feel better than him or her when you're humiliating them?
Can you answer it?
Kamis, 07 Mei 2009
Fiesta de Tapas
Buenas tardes!
I just attended a little party in AUJ. The Spanish language center held a party named "Fiesta de Tapas". So, fiesta means party and tapas is sucha snack. I ate lots of tapas sucha patatas (potatoes), tostada (small slices bread with slice of tomato or fried eggplant, fish, cheese as the topping. Oh yeah with mayonnaise and "sambal"), then two more tapas but i forgot the name. Can you imagine how tasty they are? ;p
Ah, but i haven't captured some photos with my handphone, but some friends of mine have it, so maybe later i'll grab and upload them here!
Oh i almost forgot about this one, yeah i've learned salsa but i'm just an amateur! But it was so fun :)
Hasta pronto!
I just attended a little party in AUJ. The Spanish language center held a party named "Fiesta de Tapas". So, fiesta means party and tapas is sucha snack. I ate lots of tapas sucha patatas (potatoes), tostada (small slices bread with slice of tomato or fried eggplant, fish, cheese as the topping. Oh yeah with mayonnaise and "sambal"), then two more tapas but i forgot the name. Can you imagine how tasty they are? ;p
Ah, but i haven't captured some photos with my handphone, but some friends of mine have it, so maybe later i'll grab and upload them here!
Oh i almost forgot about this one, yeah i've learned salsa but i'm just an amateur! But it was so fun :)
Hasta pronto!
Senin, 04 Mei 2009
I'm not good
Gutt nuecht!
errrgh! I have no idea how can i feel like this? I hated so many people lately. I know this isn't good at all, but they acted like a jerk, f*ck. Oh Lord, so sorry for swearing a lot! I just can't handle it..
errrgh! I have no idea how can i feel like this? I hated so many people lately. I know this isn't good at all, but they acted like a jerk, f*ck. Oh Lord, so sorry for swearing a lot! I just can't handle it..
Minggu, 03 Mei 2009
You are not
"I thought I saw something in you. Something good. But I was very wrong"
Jamie said to Landon
Jamie said to Landon
I thought we were friend, but for God's sake i just know who you are ;
You are not that smart.
You are not that kind.
You are not that beauty.
You are not that talented.
You are not that stylish.
You are not that funny.
You are not that lovable.
You are not that caring.
You are not that anything good.
You are just overconfident! And i'm not jealous on you but only disappointed with your attitudes.
So, what kind of friend are you?
The one who shared some miserable stories and never shared your blisses.
Go fuck yourself and i don't even care!
Oh God, can i extremely straightforward say it?
Minggu, 26 April 2009
Coming Soon
Have you watched this horror movie?

Don't forget to lock your wardrobe!
Jumat, 24 April 2009
Exist in global community by studying in Holland

Goede Middag allemaal :) (Greeting in Netherlands)
Don't you know why am i so excited in this sunny day even i hate the sun?
Firstly, i want to share you the reason why. Few hours ago, a friend of mine knocked my door, then he told me that he has attended a seminar at his campus and it was about continueing study in Holland for 3rd or 4th year university students. It has motivated me for searching some scholarships to continue my study in Holland!
Then, i found you ; http://kompetiblog.studidibelanda.com/
God loves me much. You've inspired me and made a worth opportunity for me and many other people to get something that we've been waiting for since long time ago. This competition program seems interesting!
Then, why must go to Holland?
Because the web said the winner will be attending summer course in Utrecht Summer School, Holland, exactly! So sorry for the stupid answer.
And, why Holland attracts me so much?
Okay first i have to tell ya this isn't my intention to be a boastful person or show off or other negative thoughts! It's because i had be there once about 3 years ago but only for a week for joining kinda Youth Summit program in Enschede. Honestly it's so unforgettable, and i don't even care if people thought that i'm pleonastic on it. It isn't just following a program, but it's also a way where you can discover, find, learn, understand, and finally admire something that God has created for us and make you feel grateful. So, i want to repeat it again and might be get other worth experiences.
Moreover, what do i know about Holland?
Ik kan Nederlands spreken, maar een beetje (I can speak Netherlands, but just a little). Holland has lots of windmills, lots of tulips, lots of dams, lots of historical monuments, lots of historical buildings, lots of beautiful views, lots of kind people (I have some Holland's friends and they're very sweet, lovable, kind, and friendly) and Holland also has very good educational system and institutions. Holland has a lot of things that every country wants i guess. But FYI i heart my country most, my Indonesia is still the best, it can be showed that we can beat you, although you had colonized us for 3 and half century! Okay forget it, it's over. Now, we have good relation and proved by this competition program.
So, should i continue my study in Holland?
Basically, studying overseas offers you the same thing. But every country and also Holland has its own marks as a developed country in Europe. We all know that Holland has very good educational system and institutions, then it has been proved by so many students from other countries who studies in Holland. World confesses it! And it means, there is a lot of students from other countries that i can be friend with. So, this is like a ticket to a global community for me, for us of course. So why is it being important to go into global community? Cause it's something where i can be exist in a community globally not only as myself but also as Indonesian citizen, and as world citizen. With entering a global community, we're demand to share our thoughts, our ideas with others, so it is the way where i be able to be more respect and appreciate differences. We should try to collect, analysis all of differences and finally make a breakthrough to solve it for a better world. With study in Holland you can get both knowledge and acknowledgement in a community globally. As Indonesian people, i could bring my nationality and doing kinda diplomacy by interacting with people, so they will recognize us as an influential country in the world and prove that we are a country with so many smart people. Don't you ever hesitate it! What's my contributions for my country? I will apply every knowledge from what i've got by studying in Holland and from entering global community, so my country can be better and has an ability to compete with other countries!
The last, what's my aim joining this competition?
Hey, this is my right you know, i can do whatever i want without disturbing other people right and this isn't a form of any infringements, right? Of course i want to win the first prize which can bring me back to Holland, lol. And if i had a chance to go there, there's a lot of things that i can get, beside new experiences, new friends, new live, because it offers lots of advantages.
Good Morning, Goede Morgen, Gudde Moien, Bom Dia, GodMorgon, Buenos Diaz!
Hahaha it's fun to greet in many languages but i'm not knowledgeable enough to understand or even just know their vocabularies and something that's so fuckin hard called grammar! Hell..
So, this morning i just have no idea what i'm going to do. Hahaha human never satisfied of what they've got, agree? Weeks ago, all days i complained cause i have no free times at all, and now God gives me that, but i'm still mumbling like a shit, how can i act so ungrateful for everything!
Hahaha it's fun to greet in many languages but i'm not knowledgeable enough to understand or even just know their vocabularies and something that's so fuckin hard called grammar! Hell..
So, this morning i just have no idea what i'm going to do. Hahaha human never satisfied of what they've got, agree? Weeks ago, all days i complained cause i have no free times at all, and now God gives me that, but i'm still mumbling like a shit, how can i act so ungrateful for everything!
Kamis, 23 April 2009
Mid-test = fuck
Hola, que tal? me gusto muy mal :p
I'm sooooo fuckin happy that my mid-test's over! Hahaha you don't know how glad i am. I don't know why but this examination (is it common to say?) seems so fuckin hard maybe just too much materials. But please God, give me the best scores and for the next final test also, make myself proud! Even this time i feel frustated! Enjoy your university time, Rif :)
Un beso, muah!
I'm sooooo fuckin happy that my mid-test's over! Hahaha you don't know how glad i am. I don't know why but this examination (is it common to say?) seems so fuckin hard maybe just too much materials. But please God, give me the best scores and for the next final test also, make myself proud! Even this time i feel frustated! Enjoy your university time, Rif :)
Un beso, muah!
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
Goede Middag allemaal!
Hey! I’m gonna share some photos from a longggg time agooo in somewhere far far away and so sorry this isn’t my intention to show off or something! And for today i'll share just one photo :)
Hey! I’m gonna share some photos from a longggg time agooo in somewhere far far away and so sorry this isn’t my intention to show off or something! And for today i'll share just one photo :)
This is my favorite one. I captured this photo in Museum de Louvre, Paris on July 2006. Actually we aren’t allowed to take a picture in this room (they have so many rooms by the way), but i captured it... and still get caught! Then the security just warned me to not did it again, or he’ll take my camera!
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