Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

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first i just can laugh after read your post! Hey hey the part errr mostly of those words describe me, hm.. tease me maybe? the point is yeah i am! I didn't feel angry, pain, slipping out, or those heartaches whatever it called, of what you've written. Not, not at all, really. I just know who the hell are you, girl. I didn't feel jealous or anything on youuuu because of getting that you thought as an outstanding achievement. I just interpret and commentate what i feel at the moment. That's it! But you thought that i chatted up behind you and talked over someone else, wow that's totally wrong you know.

i don't mean to make this little-problem such a "Post War" errr sounds fierce but weird hahaha. Buuuuttttt officially my aim when write all of this words so it can be sentences even paragraphs (despite only two), just to make self defenses like you did (but it seems such a statement), if you called it like what i called of course. Because you told me that everyone, i-you-he-she-it-they-we have different perception. Hmm, exactly girl! Soooo, in my point-of-vieeewww that i imagined you wrote those words filled with anger. Yep, with no doubt but as usual you can hide those feelings successfully (when asking me on msn), but i knew exactly what did you feel by words that you've written. And for meeee that's all didn't screw up the relation we had before, which called friendship, okay.

clear enough? like i told youuu : you ask, i'll answer aright!

"the truth doesn't always gooooddd. get ready if you dare :)"

so sorry for the english, i knew mine really bad..errr

Kamis, 02 Oktober 2008


For everyone :
I'm really sorry for every mistakes that i've done before.

happy ied :)