Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Just a new post for a new day in the new year.

First, Happy New Year everyone!
Although i did not celebrate it, hm.. actually i celebrated it but in different way. Yeah, i did it by watched Harry Potter and ate noddle! I'm okay with that condition because i never truly celebrated new year's eve with party or something crowd. Last year more worst, i passed it in my dream, hell i slept! But last night i made a movement, i saw fireworks - on tv of course hahaha. But i still awake at 00.00, pretty good.

Second, i have no resolutions for this year as usual!
I believe and i explain my life in three words : it goes on.

Third, i haven't yet finish reading a new book for final exam material!
One more chapter, by the way.

Fourth, yesterday here was an earthquake!
Only a second, luckily. But i still feel it.

Fifth, i feel so hot, the real meaning of hot for sure!
It made my back itch.

Sixth, i wanna go home badly!
I really miss my friends, we have a lot of things to do.

The Last, i have to end this post!
Time to read presentations, books, study, and others. Yeah i wish for best scores.

So, bye!

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