Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

Back to and still with.

Goede middag!

Woah, yes i'm here, back to my second hometown! ew...
And i still keep in touch with Mengly my new friend from China, he's kind but hard to understand because his english not good enough, so i have to repeatedly ask him, and he just can say "no no" or "ahh ahh", hahaha confusing!

So, yesterday he didn't send me message yeah unusual (ngarep gak sih kesannya gue?). Yeah, i sent him first, for the first time (ini baru egois haha).

To : Mengliang
11/02/2009 10:18 pm
hei Mengly, why don't you send me sms today? hehehe. by the way, how are you? how's your school?

From : Mengliang
11/02/2009 10:20 pm
Sorry. have a lot busy. 19. NanHua Middle school. can u help me find GF?

19? I did not ask HOW OLD ARE YOU, it is how are you?
NanHua Middle school? I did not ask the name of your school, it is how was your school day?

From : Mengliang
11/02/2009 10:24
Ahh ahh. make a joy. hahaha. maybe i call you saturday ok? :D

Ahh ahh and make a joy words, made you imagined something else! hahaha. And I'm wondering how possible we can make a good conversation when he calls me this saturday, considering his english, yeah let it be.

To : Mengliang
11/02/2009 10:29 pm
Oh okay, no problem. i know how busy school things! hehehe. girl friend? maybe i can help. What do you want me to? okay call me whenever you want :D

Girl for friend or girl for dating?

From : Mengliang
11/02/2009 10:29 pm
Hehehe. okey. thank you so much. good night.

To : Mengliang
11/02/2009 10:34 pm
Okay, you're welcome. good night!

What will happen this saturday? ;p

1 komentar:

hnn mengatakan...

haha, mengly begoo. haha. lo dpt international friend gimana ky? mengly bilang ahh ahh, mungkin itu cara dia ketawa kali. ketawa ala china di sms.hehe...

ini hanna ky..